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As one of the Senior Correspondent of the blog Southern Fried Science (currently the #1 marine science blog internationally) I've written a large selection of articles, which I've archived
Egosystem management. Or how tantrums and unprofessional behavior are hindering conservation.
Everything you need to know about conservation you can learn from Alien
Beware the ghost ! The problem of conference ghosting
The State of the Environment Address
Desert island discs – the marine conservation edition
The sorting hat of conservation
The Game of Thrones – is this real life, or is this just fantasy…?
The impact of the March for Science
The call of the Chthulucene ?
Why do wizards go adventuring ? Or …. you thought that your tenure requirements were tough?!
R1 research universities – is a biased, flawed ranking system crippling academia?
Sifting the fact from the false in an internet full of fake ‘news’
Columbus doesn’t deserve a day ! (We should be giving credit to Cabot anyway)
Let’s make America think again …
Death by Renaissance Faire
Scientific literature needs discipline – an example from a killer whale life expectancy study
Book review: the marine mammal observer’s handbook
Everything you need to know about working in conservation you can learn from Game of Thrones
Life in the Ithilien ranger service
How to NOT get ahead in advertising – what many conservation NGOs are doing wrong
The difference between animal welfare and animal rights
Please do not hug the dangerous wildlife …!
Huge win for orca advocates as #SeaWorld announces an end to circus-style shows, orca breeding and pledges more conservation
Call for Abstracts: First Symposium on Extra-Terrestrial Marine Conservation
Ramblings of an old codger academic #146: What the graduating student has to look forward to.
The power of coffee … a comfy sofa and a bit of a chinwag
Scientific Stockholm Syndrome
The Yellow Admirals of Academia
In the future all scientific research will be funded by Taco Bell …
Got grants?
New small grants for marine conservation launched by SCB Marine
In an Adventure …. with Scientists ! (…or why does America hate science so much?)
Unhappy feet – why we need more than a day of penguin awareness
Ocean Optimism and Aliens
Hail hydra ! Taking a super villain approach to conservation #scicomm
Wailing about whaling – the 2014 International Whaling Commission meeting
So what might Scottish independence mean for marine conservation ?
The Dark Side of Academia
Blackfish: the Science Behind the Movie
Sifting the fact from the false in an internet full of fake ‘news’
Let’s make America think again …
Why scientists sometimes need to be a bit more Sith and a bit less Jedi
When conservation scientists talk the talk but don’t walk the walk
Time to release the Kraken ! Addressing controversial questions in marine conservation
Trying to debunk the aquatic ape hypothesis… or not. Or the day I tried to defend David Attenborough.
Don’t diss the dolphins
I bet James Bond never had to put up with this … why are there so many “experts” on biological issues?
The decline and fall of the literature review
Why #DoctorWho needs a science advisor!
No you’re not paranoid – there is a bias against publishing marine conservation papers
Marine Conservation, Inspiration and a Great Big Geek
Advice articles for graduate students
The place where dissertations go to die …
Distracted by abstracts: Tips for writing a good abstract for a scientific conference
Title is the new abstract
So you’ve been asked to review a manuscript? – Tips for the novice reviewer
Graduate minions vs masterminds
A poster to remember
This is the worst academic presentation in the world … tribute
To co-author or not to co-author?
The dangers of excessive self-citation
Mr Darcy’s Guide to Conference Etiquette – Part 2
Mr Darcy’s Guide to Conference Etiquette – Part 1
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